Case Study: LANCSD
Lancaster School District was in need of target video campaigns aimed at showcasing the best aspects the district has to offer. Creative Consulting produced videos for Computer Science Magnet programs, Safety Videos, Welcome Back videos for each school, ELO videos, and social media targeted campaigns to promote the videos throughout the Antelope Valley.
After completing the above work, LANCSD signed a yearly contract with Creative Consulting for ongoing videography, graphic design, and social media campaigns.
TK-Kindergarten Campaign
Creative Consulting was hired to create a TK-Kindergarten enrollment campaign on social media (through still & video driven ads) that brought in an additional 400+ enrollments across the district.
Graphic Design
LANCSD has contracted with Creative Consulting for various print & digital ads since 2020. These ads have appeared in local newspapers, on billboards, and in magazines.
Your School or District
At Creative Consulting we work with schools and districts everyday. We understand the laws and regulations and how to communicate with staff, teachers, and students. If you are interested in learning more about what we can offer your school or district please reach out below.